
I meet with Kindergarten, First, and Second Grade students weekly for enrichment time.  A team of teachers looks at MAP scores, Dibels scores, grades, and classroom performance to determine which students need enrichment. 

During enrichment time, students may solve logic puzzles, work on skills that are being covered in the classroom, but at a higher level (learning to tell time to the hour and half hour in the classroom, but going to 15 minutes or elapsed time during enrichment), read books a grade level above, or a variety of other activities.  This time is meant to give these students a challenge.


Day 3  9:15-9:40  Math

Day 5  2:40-3:10  ELA

First Grade

Day 2  9:15-9:40  Reading

Day 5  2:40-3:10  Math

Second Grade

Day 3  2:40-3:10  Math

Day 6  9:15-9:40  Reading