Summer Assignments for CHS Argument and Rhetoric--2022-2023 School Year


CHS Argument and Rhetoric (COMMRC 0500)

Summer Reading Assignments—2022-2023 School Year


An important disclaimer about this class:

If you cannot listen to views that are different from your own without getting upset or defensive, this is not the class for you. You will be expected to argue many perspectives, including ones that you may not agree with; additionally, you are expected to be respectful of other people’s views.The class teaches formal argument that combines careful research,advanced reasoning, formal writing, formal speaking and effective rhetorical skills—it is not a class for yelling at people.


Welcome to CHS Argument and Rhetoric!


This class is a College in the High School Course through the University of Pittsburgh.  Hail to Pitt!

--You will be given instructions for registering for college credit in the fall.

--Because this is a college level course, expectations are very high! Remember, this class is a step above honors’ level.


Each year, there is a major debate resolution assigned by the University of Pittsburgh.  The resolution for the 2022-2023 school year is:


Resolved: The health of America depends on valuing personal beliefs over compromise.


This summer you are required to read two novels: 1984 by George Orwell and Educated by Tara Westover. When school resumes in August, you will be expected to discuss each book in class and to complete an assignment on each.



  1. 1984 by George Orwell-- available for free at


  1. Educated by Tara Westover—available for free at



Pay attention to current events!

Watch the local and world news.  Read newspapers and news magazines (online or in paper form). Follow local and national news outlets on Twitter. Make sure to look at all sides of the issues.  Don’t limit yourself to CNN or to Fox News; try to find information that reports, rather than editorializes the issues.   A significant component of this class requires you to be informed, open-minded, and willing to research, write about, debate, and discuss all sides of an issue.


If you have questions, please do not hesitate to email me. Please remember to indicate who you are in the subject of your email.  My email address is:


  • Please note that I do not check my email every day in the summer, so if I don’t get back to you immediately, don’t panic; however, if I don’t respond within a few days, resend your email.


Please watch your Freeport email for other correspondence from me throughout the summer. (Don’t worry, you will not be given extra work.)