Science & Social Studies

5th Grade Science & Social Studies

Mr. Lampus - (


Content Covered:

  • Science
    • Earth and Sun
    • Mixtures and Solutions
    • Living Systems


  • Social Studies
    • Map skills
      • Oceans, continents, elements of maps
    • US geography
      • Life in the U.S. today, sections of the U.S.
    • US history
      • Indigenous people of North America, colonization, Revolutionary War, slavery, Civil War


Course Expectations:


Students will be expected to work individually, as well as in groups, to complete assignments and projects within and outside of the classroom.  Students are expected to fill out their student planner, come to class prepared, and to complete assignments on time.


Course Textbooks and Materials:

  • ScienceFOSS
  • Social Studies – United States: Adventures in Time and Place
  • Science/Social Studies folder for class – to be used for both subjects
  • Many supplemental materials will be utilized throughout the year.





All assignments are to be submitted by the beginning of the class period on the due date unless otherwise stated.  This is all-inclusive of assigned work.


Grading Plan:

Grades are based on the point system. Each assignment is assigned a point value based on the amount of work to be done.  Daily work can range from 3 to 10 points.  Quizzes can range from 10 to 20 points.  Tests and projects will range from 20 to 40 points.   A student’s letter grade each grading period is determined by taking the total points earned and dividing it by the total points possible.  This number is then multiplied by 100 to yield a percentage which will then be rounded to the nearest whole number.  


  • Grading Scale:












Course Policies:

Schoology: My classroom uses to keep students and parents updated on daily/weekly homework assignments.  From the Schoology home page, simply click on the calendar, choose the teacher’s name/class period, and the assignment will be listed. PLEASE NOTE: Schoology will not be used in the event of a teacher absence.  Assignments are to be written in the student’s planner.


Late Assignments/Missed Work/Absent Work:

Assignments not received on or before the due date at the beginning of class are considered late. In order to receive credit for any missed assignments, students must have an excusable absence.  It is the student’s responsibility to check with the teacher/Schoology regarding any late/missed/absent assignments and their due date.  Late assignments will be accepted with a maximum of 70% credit given.  Any late assignment received after three days from the due date will be scored a 0 (zero).  This policy applies to extra credit assignments as well.  An absent assignment will be given the amount of days of the absence before an assignment/test is due. 


Statement for Academic Dishonesty:

Academic honesty is expected in this class.  Cheating will not be tolerated.  Consequences will follow school policy and automatically result in a zero grade.  Academic dishonesty will result in parents/guardians being notified.