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Guest Volunteer Information Packet  

A guest volunteer is an adult who voluntarily provides a service to the district, who: (1) works directly under the supervision and direction of a school administrator, a teacher or other member of the school staff; and (2) does not have direct contact with children.  Examples include, but are not limited to, speakers at school assemblies, ushers at school concerts, collecting tickets at events, working concession stands, participating in “Career Day”, etc.

Program Volunteer Information Packet

A program volunteer is a volunteer who: 1) works under the general direction and supervision of a teacher or administrator employed by the District; and 2) provides direct services to students or may, from time to time, have or may be reasonably expected to have direct contact with children.  Examples include: volunteer tutors; volunteers who assist on the coaching staff of an athletic team; volunteer athletic trainers or equipment managers (excluding School District students serving in those capacities); and choreographers, musicians and other individuals who provide instruction to students in the marching band or school musical.

Click here for information about qualifying as a Program Volunteer for the District.

Final determination of a volunteer’s status is the responsibility of the principal or principal’s designee.