Classroom procedures

Procedures for Miss Fortuna’s Class:


1. Entering the Classroom


Come to class on time with required materials ready to work.  You should come in, sharpen pencils, get folder out and begin working on your project.


2. Directions and Discussion


 During this time I will be giving important directions or demonstrating something you will be doing that day. The day’s                   objectives will be given and major concepts will be discussed.  Please no talking during instruction time.


3. Studio Time


Independent work on you projects will take the majority of the class time.  While I expect a low noise level, you can talk to your classmates as you work or get out of your seat as needed for supplies.


4. Clean-up and Closure


The last 5-10 minutes of class are for cleaning up.  Everyone is responsible for cleaning up their own work area and leaving it cleaner than they found it.  All class supplies should be returned to their appropriate place.  Sometimes I may need to review some major concepts and other times we may have a quick class critique. Absolutely NO lining up at the door