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Contact Info:

Ms. Wendi Lincoln 

Freeport Area Senior High School and Middle School

265 S. Pike Road 

Sarver, PA 16055

724-295-5143 ext. 1524


Email me to set up a conference - the best times to call/meet:  any day 2:45-3:30pm or 8:35-9:20am   

World Languages Department Chairperson

Teacher of Spanish and French levels I-IV at the high school and middle school  

Graudate of Freeport High School 

BS Secondary Education/French Clarion University of Pennsylvania 

Université du Quèbec à Trois-Rivières, Canada  

BS Spanish University of Pittsburgh 


While studying at Clarion University I took classes at a university in Quebec and participated in a French-language immersion program there.  After graduating from Clarion Univeristy with my French/teaching degree I started teaching at Freeport.  During that time I attended the University of Pittsburgh to add a Spanish/teaching certifitcation.  I started teaching Spanish at the high school in its second year of the Spanish program and have been teaching Spanish here ever since.  I have been teaching various levels of Spanish and French at the high school for twenty-five years and I have been teaching Spanish to eighth graders at the middle school for the past three years.  I am currently the chairperson of our World Language Department and travel between the two buildings daily.  

I am also an advisor and founder of our high school's Gay-Straight Alliance Club 

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