Professional Staff Vacancies

Last Updated: 4/14/2024 4:30 PM

Day to Day Substitute Nurses

The Freeport Area School District has partnered with ESS for the District's substitute nurse staffing needs.  Please visit for more information and to apply for a position working as a substitute nurse in Freeport Area schools. 


Day to Day Substitute Teachers

The Freeport Area School District has partnered with ESS for the District's substitute teacher staffing needs.  Please visit for more information and to apply for a position working as a substitute teacher in Freeport Area schools. 


Guest Teacher Substitute Teachers

The Freeport Area School District has partnered with ESS for recruiting and training of Guest Teacher Substitute Teachers.  For more information about qualifying as a Guest Teacher Substitute Teacher, click here.



The current board-approved pay rates for substitute professional personnel are:

$135 per day for Building Substitute Teachers

$120 per day for substitute nurses

$100 per day for day-to-day substitute teachers



Applications for full time teaching positions are accepted only when the District advertises that there is a vacancy.

For the initial screening process, applicants for full time teacher positions should possess the following:

  • Strong academic preparation
  • Aggressive course work and demonstrated knowledge in major subject area
  • Pennsylvania Level I teaching certification (multiple areas of certification are preferred)
  • Demonstrated expertise in technology
  • Expressed willingness to coach, sponsor or supervise student activities


The Freeport Area School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE).